Saturday 29 August 2015

Soft fruit progress

Looking back I spent almost all of my expendable wage this summer on buying plants, compost, tools, feed and pots every chance I got.
Ridiculous really, but in my mind I was investing, as next year the plants from this year should hopefully be much more established and producing more next year.

My favourite purchases are my fruit bushes. To add to my original blackcurrant bush, I now have some raspberry canes, a loganberry, strawberries and  a gooseberry bush.

In the mail I have blackberries, pink blueberries and pinkcurrants on the way. The idea of pink blueberries and pinkcurrants makes the little girl in me squeak with excitement.
I'm hoping they don't arrive whilst I'm away on holiday in less than 2 weeks, but knowing my luck they will. Hopefully they will survive in their dehydrated state til I get home 10 days later!

Only 1 of my 4 strawberry plants from 2014 survived in my strawberry planter. I think this was a combination of being blasted by the wind in winter, an infestation of red mites and my planting them too deep in the soil.

The one surviving plant only produced the most pitiful flowers this year. I managed to buy some 3 more strawberry plants late in the season to compensate. They seem to be a different variety and were better planted. They've produced quite a few strawberries and I'm much happier with their size.

Ready to be separated from the mother plant
 They've produced runners too, which my original strawberry plant has never managed, so more strawberries for next year!

Blackcurrants and my first ever sad split strawberry that I kept for posterity
The tub filled to full capacity now
I couldn't believe how much my little blackcurrant bush produced this year. I can't wait for next year to see how it gets on. I've kept everything that didn't get eaten immediately in a storage tub. The plan for them is to be included in my first rhubarb crumble of winter.

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