Sunday 30 August 2015

I've been given an allotment!

In July, I decided to put myself out there and post an advertisement on one of the Shetland gardening pages.
Currently Lerwick has no allotments. Its stupid really, as there are so many people, like me, living in minute flats with little or no garden to grow anything.

My post was about wanting to meet other people who like me, had no garden and were interested in trying to make the building of allotments happen.

The upshot of this was that I created a facebook group for Shetland gardeners who will, in the future, create a society for allotments when our numbers increase. But that is another post.
The plot. On a slight slope. This is before the lower fence went in.
However, through this exposure I got a message from a lady saying her husband had an allotment that he was willing to give to me and I should contact him. 

The ground had been ploughed earlier in the year so there weren't too many weeds
Stephen's neighbouring free range chickens come to visit often
I did and met Stephen 2 weeks later. He drove me up to the plot, situated in Tingwall. Perfect as it doesn't take more than 10 minutes to get there.
I was given permission to use a HUGE plot of ground for anything I wanted. Trees, vegetables, fruit, buildings, I can even keep animals as it is a registered croft.

I couldn't believe my luck. When I left I squeaked all the way home in the car, and chanting "YES! YES!". Its everything I'd hoped for. A blank slate to do whatever I want with.

Ready installed taps!
A HUGE expanse. So much potential.
The ground is roughly 30 x 25m. The ground slopes to the west. The soil is very good. Best of all there is enough space that I think it will be a long time before I will fill it.

Stephen's plot is next to mine, where he keeps 2 pigs and hens. The hens explore freely and come to peck at my plot often. I miss keeping hens myself, so now I won't need to have my own as I can befriend his.

I'm so lucky. I've fallen on my feet. Stephen is so generous to let me use it.
I think the moral is, if you don't stick your head up and ask, you don't get! Now I have infinite potential for next year and the following years!

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