Saturday 29 August 2015

My first Turriefield volunteering day

Turriefield is part of the WWOOFing scheme. At any time in the summer they usually have at least 1 full time voluteer working with them. On one saturday of every month, local people in Shetland help out for a morning doing whatever needs doing around the croft.

I set off from Lerwick FAR too early, as on previous runs to Sandness I'd never timed how long it took to drive there. Leaving the house at half 8 on a saturday (strenuous!), I pootled to Sandwick in the car. Being far too early I explored Sandness first and sat on the pier enjoying the still morning near the local toilets (the beach name escapes me!).

I arrived at 10 and met the Alan, Penny and the WWOOFers. We were set to work, hoeing the weeds. I had a fantastic morning. By mid morning there was more than 10 locals helping, doing various tasks from weeding to cutting the grass. The sun came out and I being ever prepared (not), got sunburn.

At 1pm we were fed an amazing lunch of soup and bannocks. The best cullen skink I've ever had in my life. I gave 2 of the WWOOFers a lift back to Lerwick. I'll definitely be back next month.

Where we started weeding. The weeds were pretty established.

A panorama showing some of the folk hard at work

Standing from the same spot I was earlier, look how far we got cleared.
A hen trying her luck for lunch titbits

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